Sure would be great if Cloud syncing of your Preferences and custom layouts would just sync with what ever computer you are using and bring these custom workspace layouts to the new computer. Note: When either the age or size preference is enabled, changes take place after quitting and restarting Premiere Pro. I filed a feature request for this change a long time ago as it seems crazy that the naming conventions don’t match and you only get a default UserWorkspace_Number.xml and have to hunt and peck to find your custom workspace. Automatically delete oldest cache files when cache exceeds - The default is 10 of the volume size where the media cache is located. Or if you can save the current favorites and search by todays date and only copy the changed ones. If you want to take the time to dig into the xml files, go into the workspace folder and open them up in Text edit and do a keyword search for the name you called your custom workspace. Since Adobe will not rename these files according to your personal naming convention i.e (dual window layout or Olivers custom layout) you have to copy them all to the new computer and paste them in the same profile / layout folder. In there you will find all your custom and default workspace.xml files. On a Mac go into your documents folder/ Adobe/ Premiere Pro / 14.0 / Profile / Layout folder. Yes you can, but it’s not exactly that simple.